Newsletter Contributor Guidelines
The Newsletter of the Louisiana Archaeological Society is published three times a year for the society by R. Christopher Goodwin and Associates, New Orleans. Send all notes, news, and other communications to:
Mark A. Rees, LAS Editor
Newsletter contributions should be submitted via email, preferably as an attachment in Microsoft Word. Illustrations are encouraged and should be emailed as TIFF or other digital format with a list of corresponding captions. Style should conform to the 2018 American Antiquity Style Guide: Questions and inquiries should be directed to the editor by email at:
Mailing Address:
Mark A. Rees, LAS Editor
Louisiana Public Archaeology Lab
P.O. Box 43543
Dept. of Sociology, Anthropology & CAFS
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Lafayette, LA 70504
Bulletin Contributor Guidelines
LOUISIANA ARCHAEOLOGY is the annual bulletin of the Louisiana Archaeological Society. It contains articles, reports, comments, and reviews on varied aspects of the archaeology of Louisiana and adjacent areas. Non-Louisiana topics may appear if they have exceptional merit and represent significant advances in archaeological method or theory. The Editor will call on outside readers for peer review of all manuscripts. Information for authors and submission procedures may be found below.
Manuscripts should be submitted to the editor via email, as an attachment in Microsoft Word. If sent by mail, two legible copies of a manuscript must be submitted, along with a digital copy in Microsoft Word on a CD-Rom. Paper copies should be printed only on one-side on white 8.5 by 11-inch rag content bond paper.
All manuscripts should include a title, author's name(s) and association(s), abstract, body, and references cited. Manuscripts should be double-spaced with one-inch margins and include an abstract of 150 words or less. Style should conform to the 2018 American Antiquity Style Guide: References should be cited in the body of text, set within parentheses. Example: (Author's surname 1974: 10-12). Do not use footnotes, endnotes, ibid., op. cit., or similar abbreviations. References should be listed alphabetically by author and chronologically by year in a section entitled "References Cited."
Uncalibrated C14 ages must be cited first and given as years B.P. (do not convert to A.D./B.C.), followed by 1-sigma factor. Provide lab number, kind of material dated, and whether isotopic fractionation correction has been made. Example: 3490 ± 90 B.P. (Tx-4107; wood charcoal; 13C= -21.7%). Calibrated dates may be given. Example: 1740 -1330 cal B.C. (p= .05) (cite calibration program and whether calibrated at 1 or 2 sigma).
All line drawings and photographs should be referred to as "Figures" and numbered consecutively. Figures should be submitted as high quality TIFF or other high-resolution digital format. Figures should be named by the corresponding figure number, with a corresponding list of figure captions in a separate Microsoft Word file. Tables are also numbered consecutively and must be appropriately captioned. Questions and inquiries should be directed to the editor by email at:
Mark A. Rees, LAS Editor
Mailing Address:
Mark A. Rees, LAS Editor
Louisiana Public Archaeology Lab
P.O. Box 43543
Dept. of Sociology, Anthropology & CAFS
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Lafayette, LA 70504